Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy

Landmarc Coaching & Health Solutions

My promise to my clients:

I aim to provide a high quality professional counselling supervision service to support you in focusing on change, the future, and achieving your goals. In accordance with International Coaching Federation and Australian Counselling Association requirements, I have established the following guidelines to ensure the interests of both the counsellor/coach/supervisor and the client are met within the sessions:
  • I will treat all clients and potential clients with dignity, confidentiality and respect as free and equal individuals, within the confines of the Law. I am bound by the Code of Ethics of the Australian Counselling Association, which are available upon request.
  • I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects well on coaching and counselling as a profession and I will refrain from doing anything that harms the public’s understanding or acceptance of coaching and counselling as a profession.
  • I will identify my level of coaching/counselling competence to the best of my ability and I will not overstate my qualifications, expertise or experience as a coach and counsellor.
  • I will, at the beginning of each relationship, ensure that my client understands the terms of the agreement between us.
  • I will not claim or imply outcomes that I cannot guarantee.
  • In all dealings I will maintain a high level of courtesy to clients, their employees and their customers. I will reply promptly to all enquiries.
  • I will respect the confidentiality of my client’s information, except as otherwise authorised by my client, or as required by law.
  • I will obtain permission from each of my clients before releasing their names as clients or references.
  • I will be alert to noticing when my client is no longer benefiting from our relationship and thus would be better served by another professional or by another resource and, at that time, I will encourage my client to make that change.
  • I will avoid conflicts between my interests and the interests of my clients.
  • Whenever the potential for a conflict of interest arises, I will, on a timely basis, discuss the conflict to reach informed agreement with my client on how to deal with it in whatever way best serves my client.
  • I will, on a timely basis, disclose to my client all compensation from third parties that I may receive for referrals of, or advice given to, that client.
  • I will honour every term of agreements I make with my clients and, if separate, with whomever compensates me for the coaching or counselling of my clients.
  • I will not give my clients or any prospective clients information or advice I know to be confidential, misleading or beyond my competence.
  • I will acknowledge the work and contributions of others; I will respect copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property rights and I will comply with applicable laws and my agreements concerning these rights.
  • Every client has the freedom to make suggestions regarding my services and conduct. A Suggestion Form is available upon request. Suggestions will be handled in an ethical manner to best serve both parties. I am determined to be the best counsellor I can be, so any suggestions made are seen as an opportunity to improve.
Marc de Bruin
Landmarc Coaching & Health Solutions
Marc de Bruin | Counselling Supervision

Privacy Policy

Updated on: 25 May 2024 is operated by Marc de Bruin | Counselling Supervision. This page explains how I collect, use, and disclose Personal Information about the website’s users.

Marc de Bruin | Simplifying Life uses your Personal Information only for the purpose of providing you with the best possible mental health services. The collection and use of information in accordance with this policy is a condition of using the mental health services delivered by Marc de Bruin | Simplifying Life.

The Collection and Use of Information

In order to use this Site, you may be asked to provide personally identifiable information. The term “Personal Information” includes, but is not limited to, your name, email address, or text message credentials.

Exchange of Information
Your Personal Information may be used to contact you with newsletters, marketing materials, or other information about our mental health services that may be helpful to you in the future. To unsubscribe from any kind of communication from me, please contact me at


Even though I strive to protect your Personal Information using commercially acceptable means, I cannot ensure its absolute security.

Privacy Policy Changes

As of 25 May 2024, this Privacy Policy is in effect and remains unchanged, except for future modifications, which go into effect immediately upon posting. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically as I may amend it from time to time. When I post any changes to the Privacy Policy I provided you before we begin our therapeutic relationship, your ongoing utilisation of my services constitutes your consent to the modified agreement and acknowledgement of such changes.

I will notify you if this Privacy Policy changes by sending an email to the address I have on file, OR by putting up a clear notice on the website.

Contact Me
I welcome your inquiries about this policy at